The Crow's Nest

What a great time we had in Edinburg yesterday morning. The University of North Dakota Tour bus made their first stop here in Edinburg. Each fall the University takes new faculty members, spouses and friends on a tour of North Dakota. They alternate each year between the northern and southern part of the state. The bus got in to town about 8:45 am. As they arrived they were welcomed by Bernice Flanagan, Rosemarie Myrdal, Fred Hall and a goat! Yes, a goat. The little fella got loose from a farm on the edge of Edinburg and found his way to Main Street. I can’t imagine the UND group will get another welcome like that on their 3 day tour.

Rosie and Laddie Pecka from Lankin entertained us with fun, fun old time music on keyboard and trumpets. Laddie played two trumpets at the same time! We served miniature quiches, scones, breads, and meats and cheeses plus orange juice and coffee. I think everyone had a wonderful time. The tour bus was here a couple of years ago for an evening meal. Edinburg was privileged to have them come back to our fair city.

Harvesting gardens seems to be the “pastime of the hour” these days. Our garden has an over-abundance of vegetables. I would love to send to every reader a bag of cucumbers and green beans. I have a feeling Bill Nowatzki has plenty to share also. There is a problem with aphids this year in the dill. Bill mentioned mixing a tablespoon of Joy with one quart of water and spraying the dill heads. He said to let them sit for about 10 minutes then rinse them thoroughly with water. I tried it and it works!!

In the last “Crow’s Nest” I mentioned the possibility of a 50th class reunion next summer for the class of ’62. I got an email from Evelyn (Einarson) Holand suggesting maybe the class of ’63 should consider joining in with us. I am all for it. Please give your thoughts so we can get the ball rolling. You know, we’re not as young as we used to be so it takes MUCH MORE time to get and idea mode in to an actuality mode!

I know I write the same thing every year---but summer is waning fast. Two big green combines drove by my house this morning. I am sure they were on their way to a ripened field ready for harvest. The growing season (in my eyes) just seems to get shorter every year.

School for Valley-Edinburg is starting next week on the 25th. Both UND and NDSU dorms will be buzzing with students this coming weekend. It will be fun to have all the activities start up again.

Many of us are saddened by the death of Gary Barclay. He was in a car accident July 23rd and passed away last Saturday. Gary lived in Crystal but worked at Leon’s Building Center in Park River. I know he helped us on many of our building projects around our house. Our sympathy to all of Gary’s family and friends.

Next big project is the annual Turkey Supper. It is set for September 14th. Anyone willing to come and help will be welcomed with open arms.

Thank you Elna Grace (Halmrast) for stopping in to visit this afternoon. She drove up from Mesa, Arizona for a Halmrast reunion. Elna Grace lived in Edinburg 1932 – 1945 when her dad, Rev. G. L. Halmrast was pastor of the Odalen-Trinity-Zion parish. We had an enjoyable afternoon drinking coffee and reminiscing. Have a great day and will talk later.



August 16, 2011

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Just Some Things to Think About

1. Why is it cargo is transported by ship while a shipment is transported by a car?

2. Why do we "scrub down" and "wash up"?

3. What's the opposite of opposite?

4. Why do we say "You scared the living daylights out of me" when daylight is not living?

5. If feathers tickle people, do they tickle birds?